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Alumni Relations Council
Alumni Relations Council (ARC)
The Alumni Relations Council (ARC) is a group of alumni who involve themselves in giving their time, talents, and treasures to support and encourage the education and mission of the Martin Luther School community.
The council suggests and strategizes activities that strengthen and support Martin Luther School students. ARC is an avid supporter of the annual golf outing, which raises funds that enhance the school experience for our students. We have established a Career Day for the students to come and listen to alumni, answer their questions, and assist in reaching their goals.
ARC also participates in the celebrations of Alumni Reunions, in which classes get to catch up and reminisce with each other. Our goal is to share how vital alumni support is and its impact on the students of Martin Luther School. Additionally, ARC provides opinions, attitudes, and resources, all recognized by the MLS Cougar community.
While the teachers have changed, the hallways through which todays’ students walk to their future have remained constant since the very first day of the opening of the Martin Luther School. If you are interested in learning more about ARC or becoming a member, please contact:
Phyllis Yee, Director of Alumni Relations – pyee@martinluthernyc.org
Carolyn Vitale – craftycarolyn618@aol.com


I have been a fan of Martin Luther for many years, first as a student there and subsequently as an alumnus. Martin Luther provides an excellent small school alternative to the NYC public school system.
I like the individualized help I receive from the teachers and I made some great friends at Martin Luther.
The teachers at MLS always go above and beyond when it comes to my education. I feel comfortable with approaching my teachers with any questions, guaranteeing that I have no reason to struggle.

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Keep in Touch
Have a special announcement? Want to reach out to former classmates at Martin Luther School? Maybe your class is having a milestone class reunion (or just an annual one)!
Drop us a line by filling out this handy online form below, as completely as possible. Someone will contact you shortly. Thank you!
Alumni Update E-Form
What is our Alumni doing?
Alumni Spotlight

Laura Marks (Ullrich)
Class of 1980
Retired Teacher of 30 Years
Laura graduated from Martin Luther School in 1980. Laura has lived in Charlottesville, VA, since 1990. She has been married to Emerson for 35 years and has two grown children, Robert and Maria, and a 3-year-old grandson. Laura just retired in June from her teaching career after being in the field for 30 years. Before she retired, Laura proudly taught first grade at The Covenant School in Charlottesville, VA, for 19 years. Laura blessed many children’s lives over her 30-year teaching career!
When asked about her experience at Martin Luther School, Laura stated, “I loved my teachers and made friends who are still my friends.” The three faculty members who influenced Laura the most during her high school years at MLS were Mr. Butts, Music Teacher, Mrs. Joan Borchert, German teacher, and Mrs. Grace Dolak, English teacher.
Laura shared that her best memories from MLS included:
- The Junior year field trip to a place in the Poconos
- Acting in Up the Down Staircase and Bye Bye Birdie
- Singing in Acapella
- German Class: Years 1-4
As an Alum of MLS, Laura gave this advice to the current student body based on her experience throughout high school – “Take advantage of the small school size to really get to know your teachers, and be open to friendships with all, even if you don’t think you have anything much in common.”
Transcript/Diploma Request Form
Transcripts emailed or mailed directly to individuals will be considered unofficial transcripts.

The Martin Luther School family is sad to announce the death of Dr. Joseph Walsh, who passed away on Thursday, January 13th, 2022.
Dr. Walsh was born on August 14th, 1933, in Queens.
Upon graduation from P.S. #93 in 1948, he was acknowledged at
Brooklyn Technical High School, from which he graduated in 1952.
In 1955 Dr. Walsh started a long relationship with Columbia University.
Columbia University presented Dr. Walsh with a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Major in Speech and a Minor in History, a Master of Arts Degree in History, and in 1979, a Doctorate in American History Education.
Dr. Walsh began working at Martin Luther High School in 1963. He taught English, World History, U.S. History, Government, and Economics at this stage. He found time to be an advisor to the school newspaper, start the History Club, chaperone trips to Washington D.C. and Williamsburg, Virginia.
Dr. Walsh became the first and only advisor of the National Honor Society through June of 1991 and served as an academic marshall for many years.
After he retired from Martin Luther High School, Dr. Walsh added another notch to his career belt in the real estate field.
Dr. Walsh continued his interest in history while serving as Vice-President of the Greater Ridgewood Historical Society and an active member of the Brooklyn Historical Society.
Dr. Walsh touched the lives of over 3,000 Martin Luther School students, and this tremendous loss has saddened the Martin Luther School community. Please keep his family and friends in
prayer during this difficult time.